Ariocarpus fissuratus (v. hintonii) - 10 seeds

Ariocarpus fissuratus (v. hintonii) - 10 seeds
Ariocarpus hintonii - discovered in 1981 - is a highland or southern form of A. fissuratus from a geographically remote isolated line.
A. fissuratus var. hintonii, although superficially resembling
Grows in alluvial plain that becomes muddy in summer, so likes quite a lot of water then... but very prone to rot other times of the year, moderate water in spring and autumn, no water in winter. Cultivate it in a well drained, non-organic, free-draining soil compost. The use of a weak low-nitrogen fertilizer during the growing season can encourage growth. The main threat to its development is root rot.
The Ariocarpus should be kept dry whenever there is a threat of cold. The appearance of Ariocarpus can benefit greatly by watering the plants from the bottom. This practice will help to keep the “wool” on the top of the plant from becoming matted or discoloured. Need half shadel to Full sunf. Frost Tolerance: Hardy to -10° C.