Aztekium hintonii - 10 seeds

Aztekium hintonii - 10 seeds
Aztekium hintonii is a slow-growing, solitary, globular to shortly columnar cactus (rarely clustering, forming clumps of a few heads). The stem is grayish-green, globular and squat, rarely short columnar, up to 8 inches (20 cm) tall, up to 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter, with apex slightly woolly. The 10 to 15 ribs are up to 0.5 inch (1.3 cm) deep. The areoles are small and very numerous along the edge of each ribs, woolly in youth, up to 0.2 inch (0.5 cm) apart. The spines are curved, grayish-white and up to 0.5 inch (1.3 cm) long. Flowers are diurnal, magenta, up to 1.2 inches (3 cm) in diameter, borne at the stem tip and bloom in summer, when the temperatures are at their maximum.
Aztekium are by far the most challenging and difficult cacti to grow. They are having extremely slow growth, probably the slowest of the entire cactus family. They usually take several years for growth to be even noticeable. Once a specimen is established on its own roots it is no trouble to keep it, and becomes an easy plant to manage. Aztekium are by far the most challenginBecause of the difficulty of cultivation, Aztekiums are most often grafted to hardier stock. They need good drainage and regular water in summer. Water carefully from below in summer and keep nearly totally dry in winter. If grafted the plants can take a little more water. Just remember the graft stock is also a cactus and will rot if over watered. Provide shade from midday through the afternoon. A little morning sun is OK. If successful you'll have tiny, white or pale pink, funnel-shaped flowers atop the plants intermittently throughout the spring and summer. They are usually propagated by seeds. The seeds are extremely fine and germinate readily, but the seed germination rate is very low (less than 5%). and difficult cacti to grow. They are having extremely slow growth, probably the slowest of the entire cactus family. They usually take several years for growth to be even noticeable. Once a specimen is established on its own roots it is no trouble to keep it, and becomes an easy plant to manage.