Haworthia rare hybrids mix - 10 seeds

Haworthia rare hybrids mix - 10 seeds
Random rare haworthia hybrids in random quantities.
Temperature: 65°F/18°C - 80°F/26°C temperatures are very good and not much below 50°F/10°C. Light: Display this plant anywhere it can receive plenty of sun or bright light. South facing windows will provide the most sun, however, east or west provide direct sun part of the day that I find more suitable. Watering: During the growing season from April - September water the plant thoroughly and then water when the soil becomes dry to the touch (not bone dry though). Winter is a tricky time for these plants although they are a tough species. Many growers will overwater then alongside cold temperatures or drafts the plant can become very sick, or even die. The leaves are storage organs so during the winter water much less and allow the top soil to dry out Soil: I would use a cactus potting mix that drains wells and provides plenty of air to the small roots. If making you own mix or buying another type, use part potting soil, part perlite and part sand. Re-Potting: Once the plant outgrows the pot you can repot, during spring. Only move to a slightly bigger pot. Every two years I would renew the soil even if repotting is not required. Air Humidity: Normal room humidity will suffice. Fertilizer: From April - Sept you can feed them with a diluted liquid fertilizer once every month. Do not feed during winter.