Powder Puff cactus - 10 seeds

Powder Puff cactus - 10 seeds
Mammillaria bocasana is a clumping cactus, often forming large mounds. It is commonly called the “Powder Puff Cactus”, because of its appearance like a cotton ball as the small round plant is covered with silky white hairs. It is quite variable with a lot of different varieties and forms available in cultivation. Generations of cactophiles have had this plant as one of their first acquisitions and few can have been disappointed by its easy cultivation and free-flowering habit.
Light: Mammillaria species appreciate strong light, but many species dislike more than four hours of direct summer sunlight. Provide bright, even light for the best results. Water: Allow the soil mix to become nearly dry between waterings, but then water thoroughly. Immaculate drainage is essential, so never let the pots sit in water. Suspend watering in the winter, but mist occasionally. Soil: A rich, fast-draining cactus mix is ideal. Fertilizer: During the growing season, fertilize with a cacti fertilizer mix. Suspend feeding during the dormant winter period.