Mammillaria prolifera (Little Candles) - 10 seeds

Mammillaria prolifera (Little Candles) - 10 seeds
Mammillaria prolifera is a low growing cactus, commonly branching to form colonies often 6 dm in diameter.
The individual stems are dark green, globose, cylindric or club shaped to 9 cm high, 3 to 7 cm in diameter
Flowersare 10-18 mm long, borne in old axils but toward top of plant, small, yellowish white, cream or pinkish yellow. Inner perianth-segments erect, pale yellow, with brownish mid-rib, acute; filaments pale rose-coloured; anthers at first deflexed inward; style shorter than filaments; stigma-lobes 3, yellow.
Fruit: Crowned by persistent withering perianth, club shaped to cylindrical, somewhat curved, 1.5 to 2 cm long, scarlet.
Mammillaria prolifera is a freely clustering species that reproduces easily by cutting, recommended for any collection that needs lots of light with ample airflow. Given the kind of care used on any but the desert forms of cacti, even in a small pot, this little cactus will grow and proliferate its small heads into an interesting cluster.
Growth rate: It is a small growing, but easily flowering species. It offset from the base and can fill a 25 cm pot in just a few years given the best conditions.
Soils: It likes very porous standard cactus mix soil with little organic matter (peat, humus).