Turbinicarpus valdezianus v. albiflorus - 10 seeds

Turbinicarpus valdezianus v. albiflorus - 10 seeds
Turbinicarpus valdezianus var. albiflorus is a dwarf, globular cactus, up to 2 inches (5 cm) tall and up to 0.8 inch (2 cm) in diameter, with a stem completely divided into angled tubercles and obscured by dense spines. It has 30 or more distinctive "radial" spines, which are white and feathery. The radial spines spread out horizontally, forming small "umbrellas" on the tips of the tubercles. Unlike some other species, it lacks central spines. The flowers are pure white with yellow stamen and white stigma.
Light: Turbinicarpus prefer to be in a well ventilated position in full sun to maintain a good body color and spinal development. Water: The golden rule when it comes to watering Turbinicarpus species is “never water when the compost is still damp”. This is the one error that will certainly kill any plant! Watering should commence in the spring late March to early April depending upon the weather conditions at the time. The plants should initially be given a light spray to gently encourage them into growth. A number of species those with papery spines e.g. (Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus) have the ability to absorb water through their spines. Never introduce water too quickly as the plants may take up too much and split. However, should this happen to dust the wound with ‘Flowers of Sulphur’, and allow to form a callous. The plant should survive but it may take many years before the wound disappears below ground level. Once the plants have swollen after their winters rest amounts of water can be increased. Water thoroughly at each watering, this should be about every two weeks. Water sufficiently to ensure it runs from the bottom of the pot but triy not to water over the plant, especially if it is a hot sunny day as this can scorch the plant. Always choose a bright sunny day to water and do so in the early morning to allow excess moisture to dry up as soon as possible. As I mentioned earlier, but well worth repeating, don’t water again until to compost has completely dried out. If you are in doubt don’t water. During a hot mid-summer period, the plants may go into dormancy for a short time, during this period reduce the water levels. Reduce watering early September and stop watering completely by the end of September – early October depending on the weather. The plants should then remain completely dry for the autumn and winter period