Crassula ausensis ssp titanopsis - 20 seeds

Crassula ausensis ssp titanopsis - 20 seeds


Crassula ausensis subsp. titanopsis is an attractive miniature, perennial, succulent plant distinguished from Crassula ausensis subsp. ausensis and Crassula ausensis subsp. giessii by its smaller size and forming dense cushions up to 10 cm across. The leaves are clustered in tiny rosettes and are covered with lovely pink, turquoise and brown markings. It produces small white flowers in late autumn and the plant loses a lot of its nice, weird compact look when flowering, but it slowly seems to recover, right before winter, and starts to look good again. In contrast to the other subspecies from a different habitat, subsp. titanopsis grows in summer. Crassula ausensis ssp Titanopsis is probably the best looking of all the miniature crassulas and created a bit of a sensation when it was introduced into cultivation in the late 1990s. This is one of those plants best appreciated up close and personal.

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Crassula ausensis subs. titanopsis are of easy cultivation and relatively low maintenance, which makes them a good houseplant (they can grow easily on window sills, verandas and in miniature succulent gardens where they are happy to share their habitat with other smaller succulent plants, or in outdoor rockeries). They are summer grower (winter dormant). Soil: They are tolerant of a wide range of soils and habitats, but prefer a very porous potting mix to increase drainage. A non-acid soil is ideal. You can grow a plant in a 6-10 cm pot for years and have perfectly happy plants. For best results, use a shallow pot. Watering: Provide some water all year around, in the wild most of the growth occurs during summer. During the hot summer months, the soil should be kept moist but not overly wet. During the winter months, water only when the soil becomes completely dry. Wet soil quickly causes root and stem rot, especially during chilly winter months, but can re-root if taken care of. No water should ever be allowed to stand around the roots. Low ambient humidity is always needed. Fertilization: The plants are fertilized only once during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer diluted to ½ the recommended strength. Sun Exposure: They need full sun or bright, filtered light with ample airflow to stay compact, but avoid direct blasting sun in mid summer (with sun exposure the leaf develops a nice reddish tint), they do not do well in full shade as they tend to etiolate, fall over and rot easily.