Sedum allantoides - 20 seeds

Sedum allantoides - 20 seeds


Sedum allantoides is a succulent plant that grows as a small shrub up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall. The leaves are arranged in rosettes. They are thick, powdery, pale blue-green, up to 1.2 inches (3 cm) long and up to 0.3 inch (0.8 cm) in diameter. The flowers are greenish-white and appear in summers. Hardiness USDA hardiness zones 9b to 11b: from 25 °F (−3.9 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C).

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When growing Sedum, keep in mind that plants need very little attention or care. They will thrive in conditions that many other plants thrive in, but will do just as well in less hospitable areas. They are ideal for that part of your yard that gets too much sun or too little water to grow anything else. A common name for Sedum is Stonecrop, due to the fact that many gardeners joke that only stones need less care and live longer. Sedum varieties vary in height. The smallest are just a few inches tall, and the tallest can be up to 3 feet (90 cm). The large majority of varieties are shorter and they are frequently used as ground covers in xeriscape gardens or rock gardens. Sedum varieties also vary in their hardiness. Many are hardy to USDA zone 3, while others need a warmer climate. Make sure the Sedum that you plant is suited to your hardiness zone. Sedums need no additional water or fertilizer. Overwatering and overfertilizing can hurt the plants far worse than not watering or fertilizing.

Sedum is easily planted. For shorter varieties, simply laying the plant on the ground where you want it to grow is normally enough to get the plant started there. They will send out roots from wherever the stem is touching the ground and root itself. If you would like to further ensure that the plant will start there, you can add a very thin covering of soil over the plant.

For taller varieties, you can break off one of the stems and push it into the ground where you would like to grow it. The stem will root very easily and anew plant will be established in a season or two

1.       The best months to sow Sedum seed are from March to April (spring) or from June to August (summer-late summer). If you plant the seeds in spring, the adequate temperature should be more than 15-18º C (60-65º F). In winter the minimum temperature required is 10º C (50º F).

2.       You can choose the container of your preference, a seed tray or a pot are good options.

3.       The soil must be one with good drainage, combine cactus mix with sand or perlite, and you will have the perfect substrate. If you do not find the cactus mix, another option is to use potting mix in a low quantity. Before filling the pot with the substrate, you must sterilize it.

4.       Fill the pot with the substrate and moist the soil. The Sedum seeds are quite small so, it is recommendable that you use a white paper or another tool that helps you see the seeds. Spread the seeds over the soil, so not bury them. Add a thin layer of vermiculite (do not abuse). Slightly spray the seeds with water.

5.       Cover the pot with a glass sheet, a white paper, or a plastic bag during the germination process. Seeds need light so, keep them in a light shadow like a windowsill. The seedling will appear in fourteen or twenty-one days.

6.       When the seedlings appear, remove the cover to allow air circulation. You must put them in direct sunlight (do it gradually), begin with a few minutes a day and then, increase the amount of time they are in direct contact with the sun. When seedlings are accustomed to the sun, move them from their current location.

7.       If you sowed in a seed tray, once the seedlings have six or eight weeks transplant them in new pots, do not forget to sterilize both the soil and the garden tools.