Lithops lesliei - 20 seeds

Lithops lesliei - 20 seeds
Mix equal parts of potting mix and perlite. Moisten the mix with water, and fill a pot with drainage holes, up to about 1/2 inch from the top.
Sprinkle the seeds over the soil. Cover them with a 1/8-inch layer of fine sand or crushed rock. Do not cover with too much soil or the seeds may not germinate.
Fill a spray bottle with water and mist the soil with it. Try to keep the soil moist throughout the germination period. Cover the pot with plastic wrap or a glass pane to help the soil retain moisture.
Place the pot in a warm, sunlit area. Aim for a temperature of approximately 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Place a heating mat underneath the pot, if needed. Expect the seeds to germinate within about two to 12 weeks.
Remove the plastic wrap or glass pane once the seeds germinate. Transplant the seedlings to individual pots when the plants start to crowd each other and are big enough to handle, which is usually in a year. Place the pots in a sunny location.
Avoid overwatering the seedlings as they grow. Water them once the top 1/4-inch layer of soil is dry. After about three months, allow the soil to dry completely between watering .
Provide lithops with about five hours of sunlight per day.
Don't expect all the seed to germinate at the same time. Some seeds may take as long as a year to germinate.
Lithops lesliei v Albiflora C005A Lithops lesliei v burchellii [C308] Lithops lesliei v hornii [C015] Lithops lesliei v 'Mariae' C141 Lithops lesliei v minor C006 Lithops lesliei v minor 'Witblom' C006A Lithops lesliei v venteri [C001] Lithops lesliei C151 (Grey form)