Snake aloe - 5 seeds

Snake aloe - 5 seeds


Aloe broomii has a unique feature that no other aloe has - the flowers and buds cannot be seen when the flower is fully open because they are completely hidden by longer bracts. All that we can see of the flowers are the stamens and stigmas sticking out beyond the bracts.

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Aloe broomii is an ideal water-wise plant, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, and it is frost resistant. It makes an excellent focal point and structural plant in landscaped gardens, and is a good choice for a rock garden. Grow Aloe broomii in a sunny position in well-drained (sandy), fertile, soil. Add plenty of compost and bone meal to the planting hole and give the newly planted aloe a regular deep watering for the first few weeks - this will encourage strong root growth. As the plant gets established, reduce the amount of water and don't water at all during the rainy season. Established plants can take care of themselves as they store water in their leaves and are well adapted to an arid environment. Add a thick mulch of compost to both feed the plant and keep the roots cool. Mulch will also reduce evaporation and decrease weed growth. Propagate Aloe broomii from fresh seed treated with the fungicide Apron C (a.i. metalaxyl) and sow in summer. Use a sterile, well-drained, sandy medium and cover lightly with a 2 mm layer of sand. Keep moist and place in a warm, sheltered position that receives good light but no direct sun, and with free movement of air. Germination is usually within 2-3 weeks during the warm summer months. When germinated, harden them off by gradually exposing them to direct sunlight. Prick out when the seedlings are 20-30 mm tall, pot them into a soil mixture consisting of 2 parts sand : 1 part loam : 1 part compost. Take care not to over-water the seedlings, too much water may cause them to rot.