Ariocarpus mix - 10 seeds

Ariocarpus mix - 10 seeds


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  1. The best season to sow Ariocarpus seeds is in spring because this is the growing season. However, if you do not wish to wait until that season, you can plant the seeds through induced artificial climate.

  2. You have to option at the moment of selecting the container to sow the seeds, a seed tray or a pot. There are two kinds of flowerpots, clay pots, and plastic pots. Choosing the right will depend on the soil you are using; clay pots dry out very fast while plastic containers keep the substrate moist during a longer time. Besides that, when choosing a flowerpot, keep in mind to select one that is wide and not long, a pot of 10 cm (3.93 in).

  3. As always, the perfect soil must have good drainage. When preparing the substrate do not use a potting mix because Ariocarpus do not like, strictly use the cactus mix with perlite, sand, peat vermiculite, or any other rich organic material that makes the soil porous. Remember to sterilize the soil before planting.

  4. Once you sterilize the soil, proceed to fill the pot with it, and moist the substrate. Spread the seeds all over the substrate, do not bury them just spread. It is an optional step to apply an additional layer of substrate (1 cm- 0,39 cm). Cover the pot with a plastic wrap, a glass sheet, a white paper, or a plastic bag.

  5. Put the seeds in a light shadow place. The seedlings should appear in twelve or fourteen days. When this happens, remove the cover. It is time for the seedlings to meet the sun, to do that you must put them in direct sunlight a few minutes every day. Do this process gradually you may increase the time you let them in direct sunlight when the weeks pass. Once the seedlings are accustomed to the sun, move them to a sunny place.

  6. If you sowed in a seed tray, wait three or four weeks to start the transplanting process. Note that you should try to realize this process during the growing season to obtain better results. Do not forget to sterilize the new substrate, neither to remove the old soil from the roots of the plants.