Astrophytum myriostigma cv. Fukuryu - 5 seeds

Astrophytum myriostigma cv. Fukuryu - 5 seeds


Astrophytum myriostigma cv. Hakujo Fukuryu is the result of crossbreeding between two of the most famous Japanes myriostigma cultivars Astrophytum myriostigma cv. Hakujo and Astrophytum myriostigma cv. Fukuryu (type B) nudum and shows some interesting intermediate features of both the parents. These hybrids have inherited by 'cv. Hakujo' the felty line between contiguous areoles so it seems like the areoles are connected with each other and by 'cv. Fukuryu' the many irregular (more or less prominent) “warts” between and on the ribs surface that cuts the continuity of the ribs and the plants appears decorated with a design which is raised above the surface. The plants are very variable and several clones are available.

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The Astrophytum is a cactus and the adequate soil must be one with good drainage. Combine cactus mix with another element that allows drainage, for example, perlite, sand, pumice, granite stone, or vermiculite. If you do not find the cactus mix, you may opt to use cacti mix soil. The Astrophytum cactus is prone to bacteria and fungus, to avoid this, it is necessary that you sterilize the soil before planting. Also, it is important to highlight that you must remove any particle from the substrate, and you can do this to avoid the formation of fungus. Proceed to fill the pot and moist the substrate, but do not add so much water because the Astrophytums don’t tolerate over-watering. Once the soil is moist, put the seeds in a gently way over the substrate, you do not need to bury them.

Cover the pot with a glass sheet, a white paper or something that maintains the humidity in both the container and the seeds some people, prefer to use a plastic bag and wrap the pot with it. Keep the flowerpot or the seed tray in a light shadowy place, provide the necessary temperature (heat math).

Once the seedlings appear, is time to let them get accustomed to the sun, start putting the seedling a few minutes every day and increase the time to the sun progressively. Remove the weak plants because they are the most prone to contract pests and diseases.