Giant Chalk Dudleya - 20 seeds

Giant Chalk Dudleya - 20 seeds


Dudleya brittonii is a solitary or low slowly-clumping succulent with a beautiful up to 18 inches (45 cm) wide rosette of chalky-white leaves surrounding a thick basal stem. Stout silvery-white, up to 2 foot (60 cm) long spikes arch upward and blush red as the clusters of yellow flowers begin to open in late spring to early summer.

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Most of the myriad habitats Dudleyas occupy become dry in summer. Therefore, it is important to cut off water to Dudleyas in your garden during summer. Plants grown in sandy soils or containers are exceptions; they will accept infrequent summer watering as long as the soil drains well. The onset of fall or winter rains reawakens Dudleyas from drought-induced dormancy. Their shriveled leaves plump up quickly, growth resumes, and flowering occurs during the next spring or summer. Dudleyas are amazingly resilient; if a portion of a colony sloughs off a cliff face or is uprooted by a burrowing animal, it can persist for months until soil contact is reestablished. Species that naturally grow on ocean bluffs are also salt-spray tolerant.