Adenia venenata - 5 seeds

Adenia venenata - 5 seeds


Adenia venenata is a semi-succulent, almost tree-like creeper or climber plant 1-8 m high. It produces a bottle-shaped swollen lower trunk with few to many glabrous glaucous twining branches arising from its top which ascends high into trees. It is one of the most remarkable pachypodous species in the genus. Adenia venenata is a fairly common climber that grows in the savanna, in deciduous bushland or -woodland and in open stony scrub on a variety of soils; sand, clay, volcanic basalt or limestone.

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Adenia venenata is quite easy to grow. In a pot it does not grow as in nature but you can still appreciate the bottle-shaped caudex. Grow it in a large pot with a well-draining mix. Water during the vegetative period by letting it dry well between one watering and the other. It requires intense light but protects it from blasting summer sun. It can be grown as a Bonsai.