Spiral-leaved Cyrtanthus - 5 seeds
Spiral-leaved Cyrtanthus - 5 seeds
Cyrtanthus spiralis (a.k.a. Spiral-leaved Cyrtanthus) is a bulbous plant that bears leaves which, as its name suggests, are spiral or perhaps, more strictly, helical. It is dormant in Winter but virtually evergreen in cultivation.
Seeds are often sown on the surface of a well-drained medium and only slightly covered with sand or grit to keep the seeds in place. However, some of our members have better success in floating the seeds until they sprout and then carefully planting them just underneath the medium surface. This is particularly true if your medium is very well-drained and dry out too quickly for the non-floating method. But regardless of what method you choose, the germinating seeds need to be kept moist.