Dioscorea mexicana - 5 seeds

Dioscorea mexicana - 5 seeds
Dioscorea mexicana is a small variety very close in appearance to Testudinaria elephantidens. It has leafy annual stems with an above-ground persistent caudices that lie flat on the ground and can make an interesting container plant.
This species has about the same cultivation requirements of T. elephantidens, it is very easy to keep, even being suitable for beginners, as it is robust and can even withstand longer periods of being dry. Place the tuber on a large pot with very draining soil, and keep this slightly moist. Some time after its rest period it will start to form roots. At this point a little more moisture should added to the soil. The roots can grow up to 10cm per day. The massive caudex of Dioscorea mexicana roots only from its sides, not its bottom. Consequently, someone who raises the caudex in a container to display it better runs the risk of having a plant that will never make roots and will eventually dry up and die. The long shoots are suitable for training on trelliswork and hoops. If the plant grows too vigorously, pinch the top shoot back to the required length. Prefers a light spot but also does well in half shade. Sometimes it ignore its proper growing seasons (from spring to autumn) and keep its vines growing long into its rest period or send up new vines much earlier than expected. In that case, paying attention to the plant and not the calendar is a good idea. Plants even five to ten years old are extremely nice. Propagation: Seeds. Sow seeds 5mm deep and keep warm. Sprouts best in indirect light. The seedlings caudex forms below ground and will grow much faster if left underground for a couple of years.