Pachyphytum compactum - 20 seeds

Pachyphytum compactum - 20 seeds
Pachyphytum compactum is an attractive succulent with short, stout stem, up to 6 inches (15 cm) long that often branch towards the base and hold rosettes with many cylindrical, up to 1.2 inches (3 cm) long, light green to grey-white leaves with heavy white veins and deep purple tips. The inflorescence is 1 foot (30 cm) tall. The flowers are pale yellow in the center and the rest of the flower is pinkish orange.
Pachyphytum will not tolerate frosts well. Temperatures below 20 °F (-6 °C) will kill the plant, and temperatures which may go below 45 °F (7 °C) during extended period should be avoided. Pachyphytum tolerates high heat and intense sunlight. As with most Crassulaceae, Pachyphytum can tolerate (and even appreciated) poor soil conditions, so long as it is well draining. Pachyphytum can thrive in full or partial sunlight. Allow the soil to dry out before watering, and be careful to avoid getting water on the leaves. In winter, the plants will require more water, as winter begins its active growth season. If you are unsure when to water your Pachyphytum, watch the lower most leaves for signs of drying and water them then. Pachyphytum is FAR more likely to survive under-watering than over-watering. The thick fleshy leaves will appear wilted and a bit “under-full” when they need water.