Orthophytum gurkenii - 10 seeds

Orthophytum gurkenii - 10 seeds


Orthophytum 'gurkenii' is a terrestrial species species from Brazil. A lovely unusual species which is probably the best of the genus Orthophytum. The thick leaves are chocolate-brown with broken silver-white zig-zag banding. Resembling a Cryptanthus in general shape, but larger and more arching, it produces a very tall green inflorescence with burr-like floral bracts and small plantlets. Pups are also produces from the base of the plant like a typical bromeliad.

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Growth Form: Lithophyte up to 20 cm tall.
Foliage: Narrowly triangular, 20-25 cm long leaves are dark brown with silvery stripes and arranged in a rosette. Leaf margin is sharply toothed.
Flowers: Lime green plantlets are densely clustered near the tip of a 45-60 cm long spike. The plantlets produce small, white, tubular flowers.